Hoof abscesses are one of the most common causes of acute lameness in horses seen by veterinarians and farriers.
A hoof abscess is a pus pocket or infection in the bottom of the foot. Usually in the white line, in the bars of the hoof or in the sole area.
It would be up to the owner as to who to notify, your vet or farrier. One would be to notify your farrier first, He would be able to examine the foot and give suggestions of treatment or if to notify the Veterinarian.
Organisms that are responsible for a hoof abscess gain entry through the hoof capsule into inner sensitive part of the hoof and initiate an abscess.
Foreign matter such as gravel, dirt, sand and manure, coupled with infectious agents such as bacteria or fungal elements generally gain entry into the hoof in one of three ways:
- A break, cut in the sole wall junction or white line.
- A misplaced nail or puncture wound somewhere in the bottom surface of the foot.
- By a full thickness hoof wall crack or several old nail holes.
If you encounter a lameness in your horse, contact your farrier or vet immediately. They can treat the problem and instruct you as to how to care for it.
Always feel free to stop by the blacksmith shop and discuss this article or any subject of hoofcare.
Dave Pohlman, Farrier