Know Your Horse’s Weight
Learn about how to score your horse's weight from a Metamora farrier.
December 2008 Newsletter
Old schools in Metamora. Stevenson House restoration updates. New board members.
June 2008 Newsletter
$1000 grant to renovate Stevenson House windows. Metamora-area post office trivia. Photos: Metamora Grade School…
February 2008 Newsletter
Photos: Metamora Public School (1873-1952); first class to graduate from the 1953 Metamora Grade School;…
December 2007 Newsletter
MAHP landscaping and annual meeting photos; Uncle John's saloon; the ice houses.
October 2007 Newsletter
Photos of outhouse move from Dan Tullis Farm to Stevenson House. Donations, including St. Mary's…
August 2007 Newsletter
Photos: Metamora's first band photo, 1871; S.M. Snyder in his 1904 Gale automobile circa 1949.…
June 2007 Newsletter
Summary of Adlai Stevenson I; Veterans Room in Stevenson House; first 2-seat car in Metamora…
April 2007 Newsletter
Spring renovations at the Stevenson House. Civil War roster. Country schools in 1910.