J.C. Irving, Businessman Prominent People J.C. Irving, Businessman J.C. Irving is accredited as father of the water works of Metamora.Shirley Adams
Dave Murray Prominent People Dave Murray An accidental explosion of two sticks of dynamite cost the life of David E. Murray…Shirley Adams
Grandpa’s Rock Prominent People Grandpa’s Rock It all began on the property now located on what used to be called old…Shirley Adams
June 2020 Newsletter NewsletterProminent PeopleSchools June 2020 Newsletter Class reunion photos from Metamora Township High School classes of 1918, 1924, 1937, 1938, 1942,…Jack Weddle
April 2020 Newsletter NewsletterSchools April 2020 Newsletter Pre-1915 photo of northeast corner of Metamora Sq., numbered "26613"; August 1859 notice for the…Jack Weddle
February 2020 Newsletter Newsletter February 2020 Newsletter Helen Ahrens scrapbook newspaper photos, including engagement photos and announcements, Metamora dance pupils of Prenda…Jack Weddle
December 2019 Newsletter Government & LawNewsletter December 2019 Newsletter Old county seat Versalles and nearby Bowling Green: excerpts from The Past and Present of…Jack Weddle
February 2019 Newsletter NewsletterProminent People February 2019 Newsletter Metamora Herald excerpts from 1864 to 1908, including articles about Adlai Stevenson I being accused…Jack Weddle
October 2006 Newsletter NewsletterSchoolsTransportation October 2006 Newsletter New additions to the museum. Stevenson House renovations. How Metamora got its name. Upcoming art…Jack Weddle